Michael Jackson 'Lahir' Lagi Sebagai Virus

Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Tak butuh waktu lama bagi pihak jahat untuk memanfaatkan isu hangat. Buktinya, virus komputer dengan kedok Michael Jackson pun sudah beredar di internet.

Perusahaan antivirus F-Secure menemukan adanya program jahat yang beredar dengan membawa-bawa nama Michael Jackson. Blog resmi F-Secure, Senin (29/6/2009), file jahat itu bernama

Program jahat itu disebar melalui situs,, serta Jelas virus ini berusaha menipu pengguna internet dengan mencatut nama-nama situs besar.

Jika dieksekusi 'virus Michael Jackson' itu akan menempatkan file jahat reptile.exe dan winudp.exe. Keduanya mampu membuat 'lubang' pada sistem operasi yang menjadi korban dan menampilkan pesan error palsu.

Program jahat itu diidentifikasi sebagai Trojan.Win32.Buzus.bjyo oleh F-Secure. ( wsh / ash )

Facebook 1.6 on the BlackBerry, What difference?

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

Facebook application for the Blackberry has released the latest version. The rim appears to have improved some of the features in the 1.6 version of this facebok. Like what?

the following are the features the latest 1.6 facebook this:

* Now facebook 1.6 photo viewing features. With this feature users can view the photos with the slideshow format. Scroll with the movement forward and backwards the user can enjoy the view more beautiful images.
The viewing wall features, wall writing now can be done directly with just one click, without a friend we go first.
* With support newsfeed, present status of our friends can be seen on the homepage of each.
* The no less interesting, facebook 1.6 features the Indonesian language. There are additional features of the new language of Thailand and the other Portuguese.

If interested, users can mengunduhnya on the Blackberry site.

3 Step 'Feedback' to Windows 7 RC

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

Sunday, 7 june 2009
Microsoft operating system, Windows 7 RC version that has been thrown to the public certainly has not been perfect. Will only have holes that menghantuinya.

However, different from the previous beta version, the RC version of the icon 'send feedback' has been removed. Consequently, users who want to send some bug reports of trouble on the feedback to Microsoft.

Microsoft seems to intentionally remove the 'feedback link' that used to have on the desktop. The reason is because Windows 7 has reached a more final version.

But if the user version of Windows 7 RC find some bugs of not mean that no longer can 'voice'. But they are not able to send the report instantly, as in the earlier beta version.

Here are three easy steps how to send feedback on Windows 7 RC kwawoenkz that have been mixed:

1. Open the 'Run' in Windows (press the Windows + R)

2. Type "rundll32.exe FeedbackTool.dll, ShowWizard", without quotes and press Enter.

3. A new window will come out. Type your Windows Live ID, and then follow the next steps.

Actually there is another way that is easier to download a shortcut to the 'send feedback', and then install the icon on the Windows 7 RC Superbar. To be able to get the download here.

Waspadai 'Teror' di File PDF BlackBerry

minggu, 07 juni 2009

Research In Motion (RIM) memperingatkan tentang adanya bug pada BlackBerry Enterprise Server dan BlackBerry Professional Software. Bug tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mematikan server, atau menjalankan sebuah program berbahaya.

Dilaporkan, bug tersebut menyerang komponen file PDF dari layanan attachment pada BlackBerry. Menurut RIM, beberapa bulan terakhir komponen PDF telah diserang tiga jenis bug.

Pihak RIM tak memberi gambaran jelas mengenai detail celah keamanan tersebut. Tapi mereka mengatakan bug tersebut berada dalam komponen file PDF.

Saat membuka attachment di BlackBerry, bug tersebut dapat mematikan server atau menjalankan kode berbahaya di layanan hosting.

Senin (1/06/2009), menurut pihak keamanan dari Secunia, bug tersebut telah berada pada peringkat 'highly critical' atau sangat kritis.

Pihak RIM mengakui bug tersebut terdapat pada BlackBerry Enterprise Server versions 4.1.3 sampai dengan 5.0, serta di BlackBerry Professional Software version 4.1.4.

Untuk mengatasi 'teror' tersebut, RIM telah menyediakan patch sementara yang dapat digunakan untuk menambal celah keamanan tersebut.

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