ARTAV Anti virus - Internet Security , Anti Virus Indonesia Made in Class 2 Junior Boy

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Jakarta - At first glance, there is nothing special in the boys Class 2 SMP Negeri 48 Bandung.

looks like normal kids his age are like playing games and surfing. It turned out to be behind it, save arrival Dwi Sentosa (13) the enormous potential in the field of anti-virus technology.

The second child of the couple Herman Suherman (45) and Yeni Soffia (38) This creates anti-virus called Anti Virus Artav. Working through this routine in by him for a year by his family, old computer.

Although the creation of a teenager, but the Visual Basic-based anti-virus is quite capable in the local and the global fight against the virus. makes simple graphical representation and support, the database up to date virus continues to load it much Artav Anti-Virus.

DetikINET found at his home in response Adiwinata No. 9, Bojongsoang, Bandung regency, the boy who nicknamed his experience said this ival in the production Artav Anti-Virus.

"The name is an acronym for Getting Artav Taufik is anti virus. My Name Arrival Dwi Sentosa and my brother Aditya Taufik president. That was my mission to cool Artav Sun," he said.

Ival new claims with his older brother was in the Class 2 SMA Negeri 25 Bandung seats was because he could not design. Therefore, all existing designs in home-made anti-virus program is the creation of his brother.

"I have the program, older brother, who set the design done. I can not design. Artav design currently brother who makes them. Good weapons," he said.

make the origin of interest in him on anti-virus because of resentment against the computer in his home he is often exposed to the virus. He used often to install a virus that infects the computer to eradicate.

"My endless trouble. Computers in the home are always subject to a virus and I have to install them frequently. I'm curious about viruses that attack your computer at home. I'm looking on the Internet, such as viruses work, and I bought a book through Visual Basic for understanding how viruses work, "he explains his attraction to the virus early.

It took a year to make, for Artav to ival. Originally it Anti-Virus ival on their friends and family. Get publish a positive reaction, he ventured a homemade anti-virus on his Facebook account. Once posted on facebook, pretty good response from the community. (AFZ / fw)

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ARTAV Anti virus - Internet Security

3 young children IT experts Give Public Lecture at ITB

Bandung - Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) have a special guest this weekend, namely the arrival of three boys who are clever with the IT world.
But the presence of three genius is more than just a visit, but at the same time a public lecture!

The third boy was arrival Dwi Sentosa, student grade 2 SMP 48 Bandung, antivirus companies Artav. Muhammad Yahya Harlan, students in Class 1 Junior Alam Bandung Site Builder.

Finally fahma Waluya Rosmansyah is champion of the Asia-Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) and Indonesia ICT Awards (INAICTA) 2010 Nokia and Symbol. Fahma even come with Hania, his brother, also played a role in some educational games on mobile phones and computers.

Yes, on Friday (11/02/2011) at 15.00 clock in the east hall of the ITB is, all three ready to reveal secrets and experience to create outstanding work in their younger years.

Yusep Rosmansyah public lecture organizers showed that the purpose of this public lecture to the organization for these children an inspiration and motivation for other young shoots are Indonesian.

"They will take every opportunity to present their innovations for 20 minutes and 10 minutes questions and answers are given to explain," he said ITGazine, Friday (02/11/2011).

Not only students, faculty and other IT professionals were invited to this public lecture. So the experts are also able to measure the severity of these children.

"Are they really that good? The children of Indonesia is actually more powerful, but we do not know much, please can measure their own children the skills," explains Yusep.

Not only that, sometimes even start a class champion in SKACI (School of Computer I Love Indonesia). SKACI this be the coordinator of the depression of computer science for this little computer genius. SKACI students are children from kindergarten through high school. (AFZ / Ash)


Pakar TI dan Rektor ITB Ikuti Kuliah Umum Bocah Jago TI

Bandung - Tidak hanya mahasiswa, kuliah umum bocah jago TI diikuti pula oleh pakar-pakar TI hingga Rektor Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Ahmaloka. Kuliah yang digelar di Aula Timur ITB ini dihadiri lebih dari 500 orang peserta.

Tampak ahli forensik digital Ruby Alamsyah, praktisi keamanan TI Budi Rahadjo, mantan Presiden Direktur IBM Indonesia Betty Alisjahbana, aktivis media sosial Enda Nasution, dan Rektor ITB Ahmaloka hadir dalam barisan paling depan di kuliah umum yang diberikan oleh 5 anak Indonesia yang berhasil membuat karya luar biasa di dunia TI tersebut.

Kelimanya adalah Arrival Dwi Sentosa dan Taufik Aditya Utama (pembuat antivirus Artav), Fahma Waluya Rosmansyah dan Hania Pracika Rosmansyah (pembuat game edukasi di ponsel dan komputer) serta Muhammad Yahya Harlan (pembuat

Selain mahasiswa dan dosen ITB, kuliah umum ini juga diikuti pula oleh ratusan siswa-siswi SMP dan SMA di Bandung.

Yusep Rosmansyah, panitia penyelenggara kuliah umum tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa tujuan dari penyelenggaraan kuliah umum ini agar anak-anak tersebut dapat menjadi inspirasi dan motivasi bagi anak-anak Indonesia lainnya.

"Mereka masing-masing akan diberi kesempatan untuk menjelaskan inovasi mereka selama 20 menit dan tanya jawab 10 menit," katanya kepada detikINET, Jumat (11/2/2011). ( afz / ash )

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