3 young children IT experts Give Public Lecture at ITB

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Bandung - Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) have a special guest this weekend, namely the arrival of three boys who are clever with the IT world.
But the presence of three genius is more than just a visit, but at the same time a public lecture!

The third boy was arrival Dwi Sentosa, student grade 2 SMP 48 Bandung, antivirus companies Artav. Muhammad Yahya Harlan, students in Class 1 Junior Alam Bandung Site Builder.

Finally fahma Waluya Rosmansyah is champion of the Asia-Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) and Indonesia ICT Awards (INAICTA) 2010 Nokia and Symbol. Fahma even come with Hania, his brother, also played a role in some educational games on mobile phones and computers.

Yes, on Friday (11/02/2011) at 15.00 clock in the east hall of the ITB is, all three ready to reveal secrets and experience to create outstanding work in their younger years.

Yusep Rosmansyah public lecture organizers showed that the purpose of this public lecture to the organization for these children an inspiration and motivation for other young shoots are Indonesian.

"They will take every opportunity to present their innovations for 20 minutes and 10 minutes questions and answers are given to explain," he said ITGazine, Friday (02/11/2011).

Not only students, faculty and other IT professionals were invited to this public lecture. So the experts are also able to measure the severity of these children.

"Are they really that good? The children of Indonesia is actually more powerful, but we do not know much, please can measure their own children the skills," explains Yusep.

Not only that, sometimes even start a class champion in SKACI (School of Computer I Love Indonesia). SKACI this be the coordinator of the depression of computer science for this little computer genius. SKACI students are children from kindergarten through high school. (AFZ / Ash)


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